奶妈论坛 剑18真题首现+高分范文分解!这篇动态图太经典!

发布日期:2024-08-03 21:02    点击次数:83

奶妈论坛 剑18真题首现+高分范文分解!这篇动态图太经典!

雅念念官方将不才个月发布郑再版的剑桥雅念念18!而 Shark 行为雅念念官方认证老师,还是提前拿到内测版的剑18了。之前还是给群众预报过,本年的新版剑桥雅念念,比拟起昔日推出的几本,有着极端大的变化【戳此伙同可提前了解剑18确定,并能第一本领免费获取电子版】!


格林童话固然雅念念官方再三强调,提前拿到剑18的解释不行在官耿直式出书之前公开其中的任何题目,但在刷完两遍之后,Shark 如故扼制不住昌盛的热枕,遑急想要跟群众剧透其中极端经典的一篇小作文题目。于是今天我就冒着“守秘合同”的风险,提前跟群众共享这篇颇具代表性的动态图表!请群众先看图表自行分析写做念路,最佳我方先着手写一下,再看后边范文妥协析(本文是2020年考题)。


原创范文The line graph illustrates changes in urban populace in four specific countries (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia) during a period of 70 years (1970-2040).In 1970, the Philippines and Malaysia enjoyed the leading urbanization rates in these nations, with about 32% and 30% of its total, which considerably outnumbered that of Thailand (20%) and Indonesia (18%).The percentage of citizens in Thailand rose in the first 5 decades,   though the growth noticeably slowed between 1990 and 2020. However, after that the figure is expected to soar to just below 50% by 2040. Similarly, the Philippines' urbanization progression also follows an upward trend on the whole, despite a marginal regression from 1990 to 2010. Malaysia witnessed a dramatic increase in the urbanization, with the data reaching around 75% in 2020. It is projected that the proportion will continue to grow steadily to 82% in 2040. Likewise, the rate in Malaysia shows a significant rise to roughly 62% at the end of the period, overtaking that of Thailand and the Philippines in 2000 and 2010 respectively.Overall, all four countries experience urbanization growth over this 70-year period, but ratio discrepancies are also remarkable.范文分解1. 动态图表的写稿条目是趋势和比较:本文第二段写的是比较,第三第四段写的是趋势。2. 本题的本领(1970-2040)是从昔日到翌日,时态是一个重难点。连续有两种写法:① 滥觞到绝顶合座描写,使用一般现时常;以现时为本领分割点,写成两句话,现时之前(1970-2020)用一般昔日时,之后(2020-2040)用一般翌日时。3. 参考词汇:urban populace:城市东说念主口urbanization rates:城市化比率outnumber:(在数目上)多于…noticeably slow:赫然放缓soar:飙升urbanization progression:城市化进度marginal regression:小幅回落overtake:反超ratio discrepancies:比例相反此次的剑18可谓忠诚满满,有许多题目齐极端值得咱们久了盘考学习。这些实质也将在【雅念念月事营】和【冲刺筹画】课程中同步更新,我就不在此做更多公开共享了,祝好! 本站仅提供存储作事,通盘实质均由用户发布,如发现存害或侵权实质,请点击举报。
